Content development
To help people understand and apply standards and regulations TSO creates new authoritative content for complementary guidance, tools, eLearning and websites. Our expert team commissions, creates and designs user-focused content to the highest quality and editorial standards.
Our content development team is responsible for:
Content commissioning: sourcing authors and subject matter experts
Original content creation: creating content in multiple formats to an agreed content plan, based on user needs
Content design: delivering content that users need, when and in the form they need it
Quality assurance: working closely with our clients, subject matter experts, and content creators to ensure content is fit for purpose
Content management: ensuring that content is managed effectively and efficiently, building in continual improvement and innovation opportunities.
We set, and meet, stringent quality standards for the content that we produce. Our editorial team provides a comprehensive service, from initial text appraisal through to copy-editing, proof-reading and indexing.